The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. During The Daring Way™ workshop we will explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. You will be invited to examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding you back and identify the new choices and practices that will move you toward more authentic and wholehearted living. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.
Rising Strong™, is a workshop based on Brené Brown's newest book with the same name. It is based on the simple physics of vulnerability: If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall. This curriculum is about what it takes to get back up and how owning our stories of struggle gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggle can be our greatest call to courage and and the clearest path to a wholehearted life.
Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston. She has spent the past thirteen years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. Brené is the author of three #1 New York Times Bestsellers: Rising Strong, Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection. Brené’s 2010 TEDx Houston talk, The Power of Vulnerability, is one of the top five most viewed TED talks in the world.
Monica facilitates these workshops throughout the year. If you want to inquire about hosting these workshops at your company, contact Monica -
"My sister told me if I had the chance to attend The Daring Way workshop , it would be life-changing. There were so many well-thought out and challenging exercises that backed-up the video presentation of Brené Brown. Monica's skillful, thoughtful and sensitive facilitation was a key to the deep understanding that I gained. The Daring Way workshop opened my heart, mind and life. We were encouraged to find our creative bold selves. I have the visually stunning booklet that we received close by to remind, encourage and inspire me. I plan to take the next workshop offered by Monica."
Linda Stoick, Burlingame
"Rising Strong has been a truly transformative workshop for me. It has given me tools to evaluate and understand myself. It gives you tangible methods that brings insights into your actions and motivations. Monica is a caring, competent and supportive facilitator. Her genuine enthusiasm and passion about the topic comes through. She creates a supportive, nourishing environment to explore and practice these concepts. I would highly recommend this workshop for anyone on their journey of self ."
Nirmala, Palo Alto
"If you've read any of Brene Brown's books you already know how powerful her message is. "The Daring Way" workshop takes it to a whole new level where you actually get to do the 'heart' work and experience real transformation."
Monica is a great leader and facilitator. Her empathy, compassion and wonderful sense of humor create a safe, secure place to explore the difficult but critical topics of shame and vulnerability. I can't recommend this workshop enough. The material is truly life changing. I can't wait to do another one!"
Renee, Los Altos
"Monica’s Value Workshop was instrumental in helping me determine my core values. It was 2.5 hours of well-spent “me time” as Monica guided our small group through a simple but effective exercise that helped me clarify what is important to me. Now that I know my values, I’m amazed by how many of my decisions, thoughts, emotions and behaviors are driven by them. I don’t think any journey of self discovery is complete without values work. "
Tracy, Palo Alto
"Could I fully express my gratitude for Coach Monica? When I joined Monica’s Daring Way workshop in spring 2016, I had what many would perceive as a perfectly successful career and nice life. But deep in my heart, I knew I was holding back from doing what I really wanted to do and being truly myself.
I had read my fair share of self-help books, include Brené Brown’s Gifts of Imperfection. I had watched quite a few inspirational videos on YouTube, including Brené’s TED talk on vulnerability. I had even participated in various half- and full-day personal development seminars. While every book, video, and event was informative and inspiring, regular life resumed too quickly, comfortable old ways returned predictably, and I was left with ideas and plans like memorabilia from lovely vacations.
I now know that our thought patterns and habits are terrible resistant to change. Many of them are developed over decades and are continually being reinforced. Over our eight-week journey, Monica gently guided us to become deeply aware of the thoughts and assumptions that hold us back and keep us small. With greater awareness of the things that limit us, we began to acknowledge them, then make intentional choices about what we wish to change.
Every workshop session was enlightening, challenging, and powerful. I really enjoyed the opportunities we had to recognize our innate capacity for authenticity, listen to our own inner wisdom, and celebrate our unique set of strengths. Some of the experiences were less pleasant, like owning up to our hurtful self-talk, examining our deepest wounds, and accepting our shame triggers. But I wouldn’t change any part of the workshop because I gained so much self-compassion and fearlessness in return.
I am grateful to my fellow Daring Wayers who witnessed my experiences of joy and pain with full presence every time we met. They honored me by sharing their own experiences so honestly and openly. Through talking and listening together over eight weeks, I learned that every one of us feel “less than” and “not enough” at some time, for some reason; and still, we can choose how to show up and be with ourselves at those times.
Over the two months, with loving support from Monica and the group, I began to turn knowing into being. I am now charting my own career path, choosing work not for the status symbol or by some external measure of success, but in alignment with my inner calling and inspiration. I used to approach everything so carefully to minimize chances of something going awry, and sometimes I ended up not trying at all. Now I take more chances, put myself out there despite (or, because of) the uncertainty, and trust in life’s beautiful surprises and my inner resilience.
Drunken monkeys continue to live in my head and create self-doubt daily. I still feel the familiar pull to please others, but I’m refusing to betray myself just to fit in. I’m thinking big. I’m going for it. I’m a little nervous, but mostly excited. Thank you Monica, for more than words can say!"
TG, Sunnyvale