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Courage and Compassion Women that Inspire: Whitney Freya hosted by Monica Ottosson


WHEN: Wednesday, Sept 20, 2017

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM


WHERE: Rinconada Library

1213 Newell Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Rise Above


For my next Courage and Compassion event, I am excited to introduce to you Whitney Freya. Whitney will share her story of how she and her family moved to a magical mountain valley in Northeast Oregon. This remote land, steeped in magical wisdom and wildly gorgeous, changed everything about her life. Nine months after relocating into her brand new 4,500 square foot house, on a 700 acre ranch, she moved out and into a rental home with a limited budget and a newly found passion for life.


Whitney is just NOW releasing her third book, Rise Above, Free Your Mind One Brush Stroke at a Time. She will engage us in a discussion about how we can free our mind in fun ways from the many “I should”, “I have to” and other limitations and worries, by focusing on our creative outlets and what is possible. Her book has been endorsed by Stanford’s own Tina Seelig, best selling author Dan Pink (author of Drive and A Whole New Mind), Michael Gelb (author of The DaVinci Code) and many more.


It is Whitney’s mission and pleasure to inspire us to explore art making as a form of meditation and life inquiry. You can have a look at her book and pre-order it here:


Whitney Freya is well known in the arena of spiritual leadership and the self-help movement. She has been facilitating creative learning since 1996, when she opened The Creative Fitness Center. She lives in Oregon with her three teenagers, who love to “think creatively!”


I hope you can come and join us for an evening of fun and inspiration, tea and homemade buns, as we listen to a woman who surely will inspire us!


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